Sébastien Preschoux

Preschoux KP kompr
Copyright: Katja Pilisi
2024, in situ
Sébastien Preschoux, born in Chartres, has placed his installation of white and orange threads where the wagons of the suspended monorail once transported coke to the blast furnace of the Völklingen Ironworks. This juxtaposition manifests a seeming contradiction: the link between the organic-vegetable and the architectonic-technical elements of the Völklingen Ironworks. The longer the gaze follows the lines of this work –which is made up of 2,800 metres of thread – the deeper it is drawn into its three-dimensional structure. To achieve such an immersive effect requires a high degree of concentration and exactitude. Using thread, Preschoux is able to construct an almost limitless array of shapes, which then appear as if they were digital forms in the analogue world. While his encounters with locations are spontaneous, the installation of innumerable threads in the public space is a meticulously planned and painstaking act of precision work.
Jeanette Dittmar