Websites: Instagram @rerostudio

Rero Hell O World Oliver Dietze
Copyright: Weltkulturerbe Völklinger Hütte / Oliver Dietze
2022, in situ
7,5 x 125 m
Acrylic, steel
The work of the French artist Rero is an amalgamation of urban art and conceptual art. With his always-the-same and lined-through unembellished font, he has developed a distinctive logoistic style. In this, he agitates closer, conceptually, to the "Everybody's got their own arrow" of the scriptural than to the orthodoxy of conceptual art. Then again, with the latter he is wed through his focus on word and thought games, or, as he himself says, with: "Punchlines and aphorisms, the betrayal of images, fragments of contradictions of our time, and the fascinatingly rich radiance of contemporary, transgressive poetry." With HELL-O-WORLD, the artist makes reference to the "hellish" work that was once conducted at the Völklingen Ironworks as well as to the world situation in 2022. The piece becomes even more ambivalent in view of the corporate identity claim of the World Cultural Heritage Site Völklingen Ironworks to the phrase "Hello World"—which, however, was unknown to the artist during conceptualization.