Images de marques

LOR K KHV kompr
Copyright: Karl Heinrich Veith
2024, in situ
All around the world, consumer behaviour is dominated by the big retail chains. To boost growth, brands literally force their way into the immediate vicinity of consumers. Whether urban or rural, our surroundings are plastered with advertising and logos that often are visible for miles around. With the Images de marques project, Parisian artist Lor-K has taken ubiquitous logos and brand names to places where large corporations are in part responsible for the rubbish left there. In the debate around sustainable living, it is often the consumer who is held responsible, the message being that less consumption equals less waste. Here, however, the artist takes direct aim at the brands themselves and highlights who is really accountable. In a radius of 30 kilometres around the World Heritage Site Völklinger Hütte, LOR-K has sought out brand logos and areas full of rubbish in order to create in situ installations. She has barely altered the piles of trash she found there, labelling them merely with the brand logos of the “perpetrators”.
Katja Pilisi